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These Easy Goal Setting Tips for Busy Moms Game Changers

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Do you set goals? I was in my mid-thirties when I stumbled into the goal-setting world. We had just moved across the country, and I felt lost and aimless. I wanted my days to be more intentional. So, I decided setting specific goals for myself was the first step to getting out of that funk. 

I needed to figure out the most important things for me and my family members. How did we want to spend our limited free time? What types of quality time could we fit into our daily routine?

We all have set and finite days in our lives. I didn’t want to meander the days away any longer. At first, goal setting felt like approaching Mount Everest, but the more I did it, the easier it got. My mental health improved, mom guilt faded away, I felt like I had a sense of purpose, and the stresses of daily life eased.

So, let’s take a closer look at the easy goal setting tips for busy moms that make a huge difference in a powerful way. 

Big Goals and Big Dreams for Real Life

What do you want your life to look like when you are 80? This question sparked something in me. And some things needed to change now to have the life I envisioned for myself 40 years from now. 

I want to be active and have a positive impact on my community, and I want to live life to its fullest. I don’t want to be a feeble old lady when I reach that season of life! That meant I needed to set specific goals – wellness goals (body, mind, and soul) to be exact.

So, I ask you the same question. Think about all the aspects of mom life, family life, and daily life. What do you want them to look like 30, 40, or 50 years from now, and why? Why do you want your life to look like the vision you created? Knowing the why behind your personal goals will infuse motivation into your actions. At the end of the day, when you’re struggling, refer back to your why.

Break It Down to Small Goals and Manageable Steps

Now that you have your long term vision, we need to develop a plan of action; it’s time to break it down. Grab a piece of paper and write out all the categories of real life that you want to set clear goals for. This can include:

1. Personal Goals

2. Family Life Goals

3. Fitness Goals

4. Faith Based Goals

5. Financial Goals

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Next, figure out what needs to change to achieve your long-term vision for your life. Then, brainstorm how you are going to fill in that gap. This might mean making some significant sacrifices. But living purposefully isn’t always easy, and sometimes hard decisions must be made. But, friend, it is worth it. And then, finally, determine what you need to change daily, weekly, and monthly to move forward to your goals.

Bust Through the Doubt

It’s going to happen. We all encounter doubt and fear in life. Your goals might seem pretty far off right now, almost unreachable. You might hear whispers of insecurity or feel trapped in the comparison game.

I am going to ask you to do something profound here. I am going to ask you to do a deep introspection. Meditate and pray about the root of your fear. Think back to the first time you felt that feeling. Replace those lies with truth. You are WORTHY.

No one can do what you were divinely created to do. Dear friend, let me encourage you. I am here for you, and I am cheering you on.

Write It Down

Another easy goal-setting tip for busy moms is to write them down. Please don’t keep them in your head. Let’s get after it. Go back to your categories and start thinking of small actionable steps this month to move the needle forward on your goals.

Small steps over time lead to enormous progress. You are not required to make perfect progress. I can guarantee that there will be mistakes and missteps along the way.

I know. I’m not fond of the idea of making mistakes, either. However, I would rather make a mistake and learn while progressing toward my goals than stay stuck in the same place for the rest of my life.

I have daily, weekly, and monthly check-off items when writing my action steps. A daily step might be as simple as drinking water daily (why is this so hard??), while a monthly step might be paying down debt by a certain amount. You do you. This is your one life.

But wait, here is the most crucial thing. Put your action steps in a place where you will see them I have mine taped to my bathroom mirror. It is so easy to get distracted by the day-to-day. Having your goals in front of your face will help to keep you focused.

These are the goal-setting tips for busy moms that will change everything!

Tips and Tricks

  1. While you do not need special tools to set goals, I like the resources from Cultivate What Matters. Makse is another popular tool, but I have never used it.
  2. Set a word for your year that encompasses all of your goals. You can read all about my word for 2021 here.
  3. Your goals should stretch you. Be honest with yourself about what you are capable of. Have realistic expectations of your dreams, but you should also be stretching yourself. I usually set my monthly goals when I know I won’t accomplish them perfectly, so I always push myself. Does that make sense?
  4. Decide today is the day because why not today? Why not you? You got this!

What are your easy goal-setting tips for busy moms? Tell me about your goals, and as always, please like and share this post if you enjoyed it.


  1. Susan

    I have to admit, I’m not great at setting goals. I feel like I’m more on a survival mode than anything. But I think these are awesome ideas, and I’m realizing that setting goals is so important to be more purposeful in how I spend my time. Thanks for this article!

  2. sincerelymrsschmitz

    This past year has been so tough, almost like my goal was just “keep us all safe”. I’m so ready to start looking forward again. Thank you for these reminders on how to set goals for myself. ??

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