Isn’t it the goal every year to have a stress free holiday? Seriously, every year I tell myself, “This is the year. I am going to keep things simple.” Then, before I know it, I’m so overbooked that I’ve run out of space in my calendar, my kids are on their daily treasure hunt looking for all the hidden presents, and the smoke detector is beeping because I forgot about those dang cookies in the oven! I’ve run myself into the ground trying to make the season special for everyone else.
But, I also want the holidays to be filled with peace, wonder, and awe. It’s the most wonderful time of the year, and I want to slow down and enjoy the magic too. So, how do we accomplish both? How do we meet our commitments well without getting completely overwhelmed and stressed out? I got you, girl!
#1. Write It All Down
My tip is write every single thing down. Make a list of all the things you hope to do during this season. Then, transfer everything to your calendar. There are so many things that we want to accomplish during the holidays. There are outside obligations and commitments, as well as family activities and traditions. Make sure there is space in your schedule to get every thing accomplished.
Schedule everything – the big and small things. For example, every year we make homemade gingerbread houses and cookies, and we have a little decorating party with the kids. The kitchen becomes filled with the smell of cinnamon and ginger, while our table transforms into a construction zone with candy canes, gumdrops, and frosting as building materials.
Our gingerbread house making party is my kids’ favorite tradition. I need to make sure I have it scheduled. Otherwise before I know it, it’s the week of Christmas, and I will be frantically running through the grocery store, likely sweating, trying to find all the things. And I will probably come up short. That does not sound like a good time to me.
#2. Do What Brings You Joy
Speaking of that list you made. You have permission to cross of things that do not bring you joy. If the last couple of years taught us anything, it is that life is too short to spend time doing things that rob you of your joy. And trying to do too much will definitely steal the simple peace we all crave this season.
I know I do not have the capacity to do a daily advent activity with my children. As a homeschooling pastor’s wife, this feels almost sacrilegious! But I know it is not. We experience the glory and birth of our Savior in other ways that leave us feeling joyful instead of it feeling cumbersome. Sometimes we need to say no to things, even if those things are good.
Furthermore, we won’t be able to attend every single event we are invited to. But, what we do choose to do, we will do it wholeheartedly. So my friend, it is okay to do less when that means you can do it well. If you’re interested in reading more about how to edit your to do list, you can read about that here.
#3. Make Peace with Clutter
Oh the clutter! There is, literally, stuff everywhere! This is a big one for me. I can so easily become anxious and overstimulated when my environment is messy. It feels like the walls are closing in on me.
But let’s face facts. There’s going to be extra things in our environments during the holidays. There are decorations, crafts, baking, and so on. We need to keep our expectations for a perfectly clean house in check. I do my best to carefully consider how many decorations I put out. I also make sure there are areas in a room that my eyes can wander to and rest, like having a corner in the living room free from decorations.
Additionally, because my kids are in the “toy years,” I put in a little extra effort and make sure all the toys are put away at the end of the day.
#4. Have a Wrapping Party
This is my favorite stress free holiday tip! Wrapping presents feels like a chore all too often. Instead of thinking of it as yet another thing to check off the list, make it a party.
After the kids are in bed, open up a great bottle of wine. Plate up a scrumptious snack (I know you’ve got some great holiday treats!), then put on a cheesy, feel good Hallmark movie. Boom! Your chore is now a party.
I usually do this twice during the holidays. Once to wrap all the friends and family’s gifts that go under the tree. Then again on Christmas Eve because, you know, *wink*.
There you have it! My stress free holiday tips that you can actually accomplish this year. What do you do to manage your expectations during the holidays? Tell me about it in the comments below. If you enjoyed these tips, please share this with your friends and join my email list for extra goodies.
Pingback:It's Time to Edit Our To Do List - Intentionally Well
I love the spirit of Christmas season. But it also means getting a lot of checklist done. I need to write them all down!
I loved this! Thank you for sharing 🙂
Love this. It can be such a stressful time of year when it should really be all about love and family.
These are really great tips! We are pretty similar my birthday is 11/23, and my daughters is 11/27 so they always fall before or after Thanksgiving, then Christmas and January it is my husbands birthday. There is so much so close together.