“I could never homeschool! I have so much math anxiety that I stress out just thinking about it.” Have you ever heard someone say something like this? Have you ever said something similar? You’re not alone. Lots of parents hesitate to teach the subjects they struggled with in school.
And math was a common struggle for so many of us! Once, many moons ago, my Algebra 2 teacher told the entire class that we scored low on a test because we chose not to study. Many of us left class in tears that day.
So, how can we teach a subject that causes us stress? Well, friend, I am so glad you asked because I have three easy solutions to instantly relieve that math anxiety, ensuring your kids thrive.
Disclaimer: I received this product for free and was compensated for my time for this post. As always, my opinions are honest and genuine in my experience with these products and services.
#1 Sign Up for CTCMath
CTCMath is a top-tier comprehensive online math curriculum. It utilizes adaptive learning, which means it adjusts to your child’s level, ensuring personalized lessons. This keeps things exciting and engaging for each student. They aren’t going to have endless practice problems if they’ve mastered a skill. Everyone can be thankful for that!

And do you know what the best part is? When you sign up for CTCMath’s Homeschool Membership, you never have to teach math again. This online math curriculum covers K-12th grade and provides high-quality video lessons that break down complex concepts in a way kids understand. I have been a fan of CTCMath for a while now. I especially love how, even though it’s an online curriculum, it does an excellent job catering to multiple learning styles.
Another great way CTCMath assists parents with math anxiety is by taking care of all the lesson plans. Yep, you don’t have to do anything. If your child needs additional practice, CTCMath provides extra worksheets and solution guides.
#2 Trade Subjects with Another Homeschool Mom
One way to ensure your kids have a great experience with math is to trade teaching subjects with another mom. Not everyone struggles with math anxiety; you might love a subject another mom friend hates.
For example, I could go the rest of my life without teaching another science lesson and be just fine. I would happily let a homeschool mom friend set up, explain, oversee, and clean up all those science experiments. And I would gladly teach her children a subject she doesn’t enjoy.
Additionally, trading subjects has the benefit of consistent socialization opportunities for the kids (and yourself!). Just think how nice it would be to have an afternoon where you end the day with kids playing while enjoying a cup of coffee with your friend built into your schedule.
#3 Join a Co-op
Co-ops come in so many shapes and sizes. Sometimes, they provide classes only for extracurricular activities. But a lot of the time, co-ops will teach core subjects. That means math!
I find that searching for homeschool co-ops is hard for new homeschoolers. Often, there is no centralized database with all the essential information. If you find yourself in this position, head to social media and ask your local mom and homeschool groups. These are great places to crowd-source all kinds of information.
Co-ops also provide kids the opportunity to experience a group classroom environment. Many homeschool families want their kids to experience a classroom environment, even though they have no desire to enroll their kids in traditional school.
Whether you struggle with math anxiety or don’t want to be in charge of teaching it, there are many resources available. And if you want to go the online route, check out CTCMath and their Homeschool Membership.
Great information. Thank you.