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Intentional Word of the Year

New Year’s resolutions have been fading out of fashion over the last several years. It’s no wonder. They’re often daunting, overwhelming, and by mid-February only a distant memory. My biggest gripe with resolutions is that usually they’re made without much thought.

What’s taken its place, though, is choosing an intentional word of the year. Having a word or short phase to continually refer back to for the entire year is a great way to bring focus and intention to the mundane of every day life.

Looking Back

NURTURE was my intentional word of the year for 2020. I had several areas of my life that needed tending to grow and mature. Things I nurtured were my spiritual life, my marriage, relationships with my children, my love for the outdoors, and so on. It was a wonderful word. I had it posted on my bathroom mirror for the entire year.

When I think of nurture, I always picture the growth and resilience of nature.

On the hard days, because we all have hard days, I would see it right there in front of me. It quickly reminded me of the things that matter most, and it made it easy to let go of all the excess. Having a word of the year grounded me amongst all the chaos that was 2020.

How to Choose Your Own Intentional Word of the Year

When picking an intentional word of the year, I want you to consider a few things. Firstly, don’t rush it. Pray and meditate on the things that went well and the things that didn’t in the previous year. How does it make you feel? What things do you want to change?

Secondly, choose a verb. A verb will inspire action. It will make you focus on forward grace-filled progress.

Lastly, when ideas start coming to mind, take time to look up definitions and synonyms. It’s likely that google will help you find an even more purposeful word or phrase for your hopes of 2021.

Sit with your word for a few days before you commit. How does it make you feel? Hopefully not overwhelmed! The goal is to feel refreshed, motivated, and inspired.

On that note, I am so excited to share my word of the year for 2021:


I know that I nurtured good things in 2020. When working on my goals for 2021, one thing kept coming up. I want to expand on things that have already been planted.

I want to expand my theological knowledge. I want to expand my physical fitness. I want to expand this blog. And so many other things. It’s perfect for where I’m at in my life, and I am so excited.

Need Some More Help?

If you’re having trouble coming up with a word, I want to share this resource from Cultivate What Matters. (If you have followed me for at least 5 minutes, you know I love this company.) You will find suggestions on their site, and they also provide wallpaper for your phone with your word. I screen shot (shotted???) the blank floral pattern, then edited in my intentional word of the year, expand.

I will have this be my wallpaper on my phone for the year. I cannot wait for you to share your word of the year! Drop it down in the comments below. And as always, if you enjoyed this post, please like and share, as it’s a simple way to support this little space of mine. Much love, and Happy New Year!!!


  1. mckaylasd0079dea2a

    This is a great idea, to have a word of the year! I think this is a great choice and will serve you well for the upcoming year.

  2. mwilliams091

    This is a great word for 2021! I don’t normally adopt words or themes for the year but now that I think about it, it certainly feels like less stress than setting resolution that, like you mentioned, are often forgotten early into the year. Hopefully it won’t be too late to choose a word now.

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